Tuesday, October 14, 2014

When it rains...

They postpone the game.

Remember last week when I was screaming "O" Baby??

Now I'm screaming "OH GAWD!".

As if the need for the Royals to get a slice of humble pie isn't dire enough, Game 3 was postponed due to the rain.

via Orioles Instagram
I'm not losing faith, but I am nervous.  

via MLB Instagram

I don't know if this is the hometown spirit in me or pure fact, but if anyone can pull out the Cinderella story. It's the O's!

Okay it's not pure fact. I mean based on what?

And when it rains...

Apparently this is okay to wear.

via Instagram


I know you guys have seen this photo floating around the internet with the best captions ever.

Oh KD, we still love you. Get well soon! The Thunder needs you!

I like a good Westbrook show out but I'd feel a bit more secure with KD.

Minus Flacco having a hell of day Sunday, this may have kicked off a bad week in sports.

via NFL Instagram

KD is hurt, The O's have to pull off the close to impossible and I'm sure there are Fantasy Football players out there who hate life right about now.

Too bad when it's this kind of rain, it just pours. You can't postpone the game.

But hey--


Friday, October 10, 2014

"O" Baby!

I don't know about you guys but I'm still in a celebratory, the sky is the limit kind of mood.

via Orioles Instagram

But--I'm currently surrounded by people who Live. Breathe. Blue. Unfortunately they're no longer wearing Blue but feeling blue.

Go figure.

Meanwhile, I'm screaming "We Won't Stop" and getting the side eye.

Sorry guys but---

We haven't done this since 1997 and let's face it, as a 7 year old Pageant girl; the O's weren't a concern. Let me enjoy this!

I'm stoked! I'm with Birdland in spirit, thats for sure!

via Orioles Instagram

Today, it goes down.  ALCS!

via Orioles Instagram

Reviewing last week's Raven "luck", #WeWontStop now means #PleaseDontStop because you're our only hope!

via NFL Instagram

 Sorry Ravens. Just kidding. I'm still holding down LA's RavensNation!

Where's 5pm?! Let's Go O's!