Thanks to my nomination by Nikole Debell Beauty for the Liebster award, this isn't your normal post.
No ranting about the athletes I don't like or honoring the athletes with impeccable character.
I'd like to pay it forward since I was nominated.
The Rules:
• Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
• Answer the questions that they asked you.
• Nominate 11 other newbie bloggers (must have less than 2000 followers).
• Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer.
• Notify your nominees through their social media or their blog.
The questions I chose to answer. (I know, I'm such a rebel. )
1. Favorite Color?
Because the Ravens pretty much consume my life, my favorite color is purple.
2. What does an ideal weekend look like for you?
Relaxing at the beach or by a pool. Sipping boba. I need sunlight and water.
Yup, definitely a Cali girl now…
3. Morning person or Night Owl?
This is actually the hardest question. Is it possible to be neither?
Sleeping Beauty at her finest!
4. Favorite place to shop?
Eden Sky
It's a problem.
5. What is the #1 place you want to travel to (or have traveled to)?
I need to go to Florence, Italy because that’s where Kimye tied the knot.
It’s beautiful and I’m secretly obsessed.
6. What is the one thing you wish you knew how to do?
Fly. L.A. traffic sucks!
7. Dream Company/brand to work for?
I want to start my own business eventually so that’s the dream!
8. If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?
Kerry Washington! Who doesn’t want to be a flawless goddess/Olivia Pope.
9. Favorite TV show?
Easy! 4-way tie. Scandal | HTGAWM | Revenge | Empire
10. List 3 places (or things, people, etc.) you draw your inspiration from.
Streetwear Brands | Urban Cities | Music
11. What is your go-to snack?
Hot Cheetos, Hot Fries, Jalepeno Cheetos…. Oh so guilty.
Below are the blogs, I've nominated.
Being as though I'm new to the blogging community, these are the blogs I'm familiar with that meet the requirements.
Taylor Novels & Nail Polish
Erin Erin Dates LA
Raquel & Roxy Twinz Aesthetic
Rachel Bad Gal RayRay
Please answer these questions below if you wish to participate!
1. Why did you decide to blog?
2. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
3. What's your favorite song right now?
4. What's better? NYC or L.A.?
5.Do you dance?
6.What are your goals for 2015?
7. Have you heard Drake's new album yet? I haven't. I'm super late.
8. It's Sunday Funday. What are you wearing?
9.Who is your celebrity crush?
10. How do you overcome creative blocks?
11. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you open your eyes in the a.m.?
D I S C O V E R N E W B L O G S!
Follow me on Insta @ BlushandBlitz
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