I found my home away from home. Being
the die hard Ravens fan I am, I just had to attend. The Parlor on
Melrose, a.k.a “West Wing” (the West Coast RavensNation), threw a
Meet & Greet on Saturday.
Compared to the Los Angeles population,
our purple pride is just a speckle but he graced us with his presence
anyway. Okay, there is a ton of purple. Thanks to the “Lake Show”
but that's not what I need. I need Baltimore bred, Ray Lewis
inspired, get hyped when u hear “caw” kind of purple pride!
There were purple jerseys everywhere,
well wishes for the season and even Orioles Opening Day party
Great way to start my blog, I thought.
This blog is for football fanatics like myself. So if your still
following your team during off season, making plans to meet and greet
your favorite players, We're on the same page!
Okay back to March Madness.......